Sunday 8 August 2010

So, A Description Then.

I've decided to start a new blog. I know, such bravery. It's going to be a bit different to my old one, in that it will (I hope, anyway) encompass more things. This is why I've given it the title 'What The Whatever?' a title devised to convey the idea of variety, and absolutely nothing to do with my lack of imagination.

I've by no means forgotten my other blog 'What The Folk?', though it has been somewhat neglected in recent times. The fact is, though, that I'm going to be doing a vast number of exciting things this year that I want to write about and the majority of these will not fall under the banner of folk music. If you want to read any of the stuff I posted on 'What The Folk?', of which there isn't a lot, you can find it all here: This is not the end of my somewhat solitary folk journey, however. I plan to bring 'What The Folk?' back with a vengeance in just over year's time, hopefully in conjunction with a radio show of the same name (that is if the lovely people of Forge Radio deign to let me back). It'll be (probably) wicked. Stay tuned.

Anyway, to business. A description of the all new and all shiny 'What The Whatever?'. The hazy idea I've currently got trundling round my mind goes something like this: I want it to be a diary of my year abroad (any one who knows me is no doubt aware that I'm spending the next year of my life teaching English in Germany, a prospect I'm currently finding 50% exciting and 50% totally bloody terrifying). At the same time I still want it to be inclusive of the music and arts reviews I enjoy writing so much. My making 'What The Whatever?' about literally whatever I feel like blathering about should, in theory, mean I get to keep everything I write in one place.

To distinguish post types, I thought I best have some sort of coding system. Therefore, posts dedicated to my (hopefully vastly exciting) life alla Deutschland will be prefixed as "YA" for "year abroad". All others will have a similar description in the title of the post, for example "music" or "comedy" or "politics" (hey, it could happen). Thus, confusion is avoided and everyone has a nice time.

I realise that most people are uninterested in the ramblings of twenty-something nobodies who have too many opinions, therefore I maintain that anything I choose to blog about is generally just practise for me, helping towards my journalistic aspirations. However, if you do have a spare five minutes to have a butchers at some of these ramblings, it would be lovely to have you along for the ride. As ever, constructive criticism is appreciated.

Let blogging commence!

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