Sunday 12 September 2010

YA: I've arrived!

Ok, so all blog posts from now on regarding the year abroad are going to be less about those pansy girly feelings and more about STUFF. In spirit of this, here is the STUFF that has happened to me already since my arrival in Deutschland. 

1) I discovered I cannot flag down a taxi.

2) When I eventually did, the taxi driver nearly drove off before I'd got in, and with the door wide open. 

3) The hostel in Cologne is lovely, and with shiny shiny free wifi, but our room is on the fourth floor, there is no lift and I have a lot of stuff. Hence I think I may now be nursing a small hernia. 

4) I have updated Facebook. Just because I'm in Germany now doesn't mean I'm going to change. 

So far, so good. Viva la Deutschland! 


  1. Dad and I are relieved that you are in Germany and it sound's fun but miss you dreadfully already! Just set up a gmail account so we can follow your blog - just need to work out how to upload a decent photo and you know me with technology! much love and looking forward to the next gripping hysterical update xx

  2. Hey Georgie, it's me again, so glad to hear that you're having a fantastic time. We really miss you. Dad's bought a new guinea pig, we've named it Georgie after you. :) xx
